Friday, January 13, 2012

29 and holdin''s my birthday!  *birthday dance*  Be glad I didn't feel the need to take a video of said dance..

 I’ll try not to think about it being unlucky since it falls on a Friday the thirteenth.  I have been doing a great deal of lamenting on the topic on my Facebook page recently.  Well my friends might call it “whining”, but I will  say lamenting.  I happen to be turning twenty-nine.  Yup, the last year of my twenties before the big 3-0.

What is it about passing from one decade to another that can send relatively normal folks into complete tail-spins?  I can recall turning ten and mourning the passing of my single digit years.  No longer could I claim youthful innocence on wrong doings.  Turning ten meant a new level of life accountability that seemed terrifying.  Teenage years loomed ahead and, if I am being honest, I probably still wanted to just play with Barbies.  You soon leave the safety of Elementary School and are thrown into a big pond that is Middle School.  Then the ocean that is High School. 

My twenties started out benign enough.  I hadn’t been in the real world long enough to really mess anything up and I had the freedom of being an adult.  Though I did not spend my twenties very typically, I opted for motherhood over college parties.  Not that I regret that one bit.  I don’t feel that I missed out one single bit.  So I don’t feel this is why a feel the need to mourn the passing of my twenties?

Really, I don't think that I am mourning since that would imply that I am sad to see them go, and really.. I'm not.  The steps I am taking now are to ensure that my thirties (and beyond!) are pretty awesome.  I'll be a college graduate a couple of years after I turn thirty and that opens up a world of possibilities.  Really amazing possibilities!  Why would anyone be sad about that?  

I do plan on making my last year of a twenty-somethings count though.  Before I'm just an old fuddy-duddy mom in her thirties!

and speaking of being a mom.. my sweet four year old this morning sang me "haddy bird-day to mommy", told me I was his "best frand", and then gave me Eskimo kisses.  That's a pretty awesome way to start birthday if you ask me!  

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