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take that wrinkles! |
No, I am not gonna review "Silence of the Lambs"
other than to say it's creepy and gave me nightmares. So what am I
talking about? Well, lotion. duh.
I turned 29 this year. Ugh, right?! In doing such I
decided that it was past time that I start paying attention to the care of my
epidermis. That's skin for you common folk.
As a child any exposure to the sun led to me doing my best
imitation of a cooked lobster. My red tinted hair and Irish blood laughed
in the face of SPF. Not only did thick coatings of zinc not prevent
sunburn, but it often time only made my skin more angry at me for exposing it
to the sun’s harmful rays. I would burn AND blister. Awesome.
But summer after summer, there I was, throwing the proverbial finger at
the sun and my skin trying to keep up with my sister who tanned like an Indian
princess. My sister got mother's ability to tan effortlessly where I got
her tendency to gain weight in the midsection. Yay me..
My teenage years weren't much different. Summers were spent
in a lawn chair getting my tan on. After that first burn of the summer (man that sounds so bad..) I would
normally darken up pretty nice. When you're 15 you don't worry about the
freckles that lead to skin cancer. Pass me the baby oil you say. "Do
you smell bacon, guys?" you ask. No, it's just your burning
After I had kids getting sunburned really became painful.
That's only because your kids will find it fun to come up to you and
pull, jump, slap, and smack your angry red surface. Mommy's face twisted
in pain is funny. Do it again!! Their constant need for attention
doesn't jive with your need to lay in a prone position on the couch slathered
in aloe.
So now at the cusp of 30 I decided I should start taking this
seriously. For a while now I've been making sure I put on a base of SPF ( the pictured lotion to be exact) before
I put on my make-up (which also contains sun protector). And for
night time use I began using an anti-aging creme. That's right, a night
cream...like your grandmother. Take that wrinkles! Oh! And is that
chamomile I smell? That's nice.
Along with this routine of face lotions and creams I have a team
of lotions for the other quadrants of my body. Not only am I preventing
anymore skin damage, but it's probably a pretty effect way to thwart would
be attackers. You can't attack what you can't even get a grip on.
That's my theory at least.
So kids, don't wait until you are looking crow’s feet in the face
(haha, see what I did there) and start laying on that Olay now. And also,
don't watch that a fore mentioned movie unless you like nightmares.
Love your plan to thwart attackers! Also, I use that same lotion in my youngifying routine. :)