So...this is awkward.
I start a blog and suddenly find myself with writer's block. So, I figured let us get to know one another shall we. Maybe if I tell you about who I am, you'll want to stick around, maybe tell your friends about me. Or we can be secret friends too...that's cool whatever.
Me, I'm Lisa. I write (don't let this fool you). I don't get paid to write (you're probably not shocked right now, that's okay) And because I don't get paid for my "talent" I am currently enrolled in school. I hope when I am finished with said school I can be called Nurse Lisa. That is unless someone, one day, would like to pay me to start writing. That'd be nice.
I am also a mom. That's a pretty sweet job. But that doesn't pay either, unless you count the laughs (and I do). My two boys happen to be pretty funny. They are also the namesake of this blog. BS stands for their names. Clever right!? I'll probably write a lot about the funny stuff they say and do, which means i'll write about them, a lot!
I have a better half. He's kinda funny too (funny lookin!, ah-cha-cha). Seriously though, he's pretty cool and he likes to cook, so i'll probably write about him also. And his food.
So I hope you stick around. Heck, I hope I stick around for this too! I'll be working on how to make this looks all fancy and bloggy, so bear with me and I think (hope) you'll be happy you did!
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