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I'm riding butter ya'll! All the way to the bank! |
Paula Deen, queen of fried chicken and BFF to the Land o' Lakes girl, announced today (officially) that she has type two diabetes. The diabetes that many people have because of poor diet choice and lack of exercise ( I understand that genetics plays a role too..I can use WebMD just like everyone else..)
Here is the part that gets my ire up. She's known for three years! Three years she's known and been working with her own personal doctors (and a pharmaceutical company, more on that in a bit..) to create a plan for her to manage a disease that, if not treated, can lead to vision problems, nerve damage (which can lead to amputation), and worst of all heart disease related death. But during this three years this didn't stop Mrs. Deen from hocking all sorts of butter laden dishes at us via her popular cable t.v. show. Just looking at the food network site there are at least five different ways she's taught us how to cook friend chicken. So while she was busy working to save her own life, she was essentially trying to help you shorten yours. If your ire isn't up yet too..keep reading.
So about that Pharmaceutical company. Good ol' Paula is teaming up to create a program that will "help" others to live and manage their own Diabetes, but continue to live the life they're accustomed. Read, continue to eat copious amounts of butter and deep fried animal meat. Seems like a solid plan. You know the best way to manage type two diabetes...diet and exercise! It's that simple! You don't need Paula Deen telling you how to do it!
Also, I've seen a lot of people mention that all things in moderation is key to a healthy lifestyle. I agree. However, in the case of Mrs. Deen many of you might be aware that she runs a restaurant down in Savannah, Georgia. The menu boost many southern specialties cooked with love and generous amounts of bacon grease. The restaurant also houses a buffet of all you can eat comfort food goodies. Now, unless their is a sign on said buffet that states "just take what you can eat, ya'll!" then I doubt that Paula is preaching anything about moderation. And you often hear the argument " well nobody is forcing anyone to eat all of it!" True, but lots of folks, myself included, were raised with the "clean plate club" mentality. So no, she doesn't have to force you to eat it all up, your parents have already done that for her with years of conditioning. We also have a sense of wanting to get our money's worth. I haven't done a great deal of research on the matter, but I doubt that three years ago when Deen was diagnosed that she began implementing a healthier menu at the restaurant. I'd imagine that the food was still cooked as it always had been, swimming in grease and butter. So please don't tell me that she give one iota to helping the masses life a healthy life..
Also, I've seen a lot of people mention that all things in moderation is key to a healthy lifestyle. I agree. However, in the case of Mrs. Deen many of you might be aware that she runs a restaurant down in Savannah, Georgia. The menu boost many southern specialties cooked with love and generous amounts of bacon grease. The restaurant also houses a buffet of all you can eat comfort food goodies. Now, unless their is a sign on said buffet that states "just take what you can eat, ya'll!" then I doubt that Paula is preaching anything about moderation. And you often hear the argument " well nobody is forcing anyone to eat all of it!" True, but lots of folks, myself included, were raised with the "clean plate club" mentality. So no, she doesn't have to force you to eat it all up, your parents have already done that for her with years of conditioning. We also have a sense of wanting to get our money's worth. I haven't done a great deal of research on the matter, but I doubt that three years ago when Deen was diagnosed that she began implementing a healthier menu at the restaurant. I'd imagine that the food was still cooked as it always had been, swimming in grease and butter. So please don't tell me that she give one iota to helping the masses life a healthy life..
So to lay this out in black and white..Paula Deen has been promoting a diet of fat ridden, unhealthy food, it caught up with her and NOW she's going to capitalize on it, make tons of money. Yay ya'll!
And on the heels of this news, Burger King is testing marketing home delivery of their tasty fare. That's right folks...you don't even have to leave the house and change out of those sweats to get your fix of flame broiled goodness. Actually from what I've seen most people don't bother to change out of their sweats to patronize places like Burger Kind anyways, so score!
It's things like this that makes me want to promote a healthy way of eating and living. Look around guys..we are slowly killing ourselves..and for what?
I 100% totally agree with this rant :) It's just insanity!