i don't own this picture, just the words. don't sue me |
The following is my recent article that appeared in my local paper, The Henry County Times.
For one day out of the year, moms from all walks of
life are celebrated and showered with love, and gifts of flowers and
chocolate. We’re congratulated for our
heroine like efforts of producing life.
We are given lovely hand-made cards (probably that morning by a
well-meaning spouse while the pop-tarts brown in the toaster for our breakfast
in bed). It’s all very heady stuff. However, for the rest of 364 days of the year,
the world sings a very different tune.
As mom’s we are constantly being questioned, judged,
and flat out disrespected at pretty much every turn in our efforts to raise our
children. A recent Times Magazine
article asking “Are you mom enough” featured a mom breastfeeding a child, many
felt, was far past the acceptable age of being breastfed. The article in short is about the concepts of
attachment parenting. This article effectively
stirs two very hot pots of parenting debate; breastfeeding and the age old
argument of working moms vs. stay- at- home- moms.
Let’s tackle the first one shall we? I do not give one single ounce of a care on
how any mom decides to ensure that her child receives nutrition. At all.
As long as the mom, does in fact, try to make sure that her child is
eating on a regular basis it should not mater to anyone else if that food is
coming from ta-ta’s or a bottle. It
really is just as simple as that. There
are plenty of mom’s out there that starve their children and those moms we
should be concerned with. The ones that
ARE feeding their kids should not be on anyone’s radar. If the site of a boob bothers you that much you
might have a bigger issues you might want to look into. This is, after all, why woman have them
right? I know over the years the details
have gotten muddled and many feel that woman and their attached body parts are
solely for the amusement of others, but that’s not actually the case. Shocking
Next up we have working vs. stay- at- home. This is a hot topic. Having done both in the short amount of time
I’ve been a parent, I can debate from the fence. It is absolutely none of my business or
anyone else for that matter why
a mom decides to work or stay at home.
The grass is always greener on the other side. One of my favorite sayings is “you might know
my story, but you don’t know my journey.” I think this applies nicely here.
And while we’re on this topic, moms, I want to talk
directly to you for a moment. Can we cut
out the fellow mom bashing between us?
Some of our harshest criticism comes from each other. Why? The last I checked we were all soldiers in
the same war. This isn’t friendly fire
we’re throwing at one another. Maybe the
next time you feel like uttering that phrase that makes even your own skin
crawl, “ well, that’s not how I do it”
opt for something a little more supportive.
Because we all know how it feels to be delirious with sleep at 3 a.m
with a crying a baby that will.not.sleep. and you are praying to every god in the cosmos
that if you can just maybe get like thirty minutes of sleep that you will never
do another bad thing in your life. We
know how it feels to hold our children, while the scream and cry, getting shots
at the doctor’s. And your own eyes sting with tears that you
cannot cry because you have to be the strong parent, but inside you feel like
dying. We all know that joy, pure and
unadulterated, the first time our babies say “momma”. Because most babies say “dada” first. I dunno why.
I’m going to assume that every mom I know is doing their personal
best. We all should.
So to answer the question “ Are you mom
enough?” Yeah, I am. And so is every other mother out there making
sure their kids grown up to be happy and healthy. We moms have enough plates spinning in the
air most days that really the last thing we need is someone implying that we’re
not doing a good enough job. We’re doing
just fine thank you. So can we put this
tired old debate to bed once and for all.
The economy looks like it needs a
little help though so maybe we should focus on that. Or do us mom’s need to fix that too?